Check our best projects

Production start of 8 apartment project (4 houses) in Molde, Norway

Northcon is happy to start production of 4 four apartment buildings to the beautiful city of Molde. The assembly is set to start on week 43, 2022.

July 11, 2024

8 Holiday Houses in Als, Denmark, Finished

Northcon has delivered 8 Holiday houses to the beautiful holiday town of Als in Sønderborg Municipality, Denmark. Northcon has been doing engineering, production, assembly and “turn-key” finishing works. The houses have been handed over without any defects and with a happy customer. Hopefully Northcon will deliver 4 more houses the same type to this area…

July 11, 2024

2022 Results and achievements of Northcon

2022 Wrapped Northcon has finished year 2022 with a record amount of produced and supplied houses. Despite a very challenging year due to a very steep increase of raw material prices, we have been exporting our production as never before. We have had a record year on following criteria: To our traditional markets of Norway…

July 11, 2024